Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Tuần 17 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Lê Tấn Phong

I. Objectives:

By the end of the lesson students may:

- Teacher helps students to say some road sign and use can / can’t, must / must not statements and traffic vocabulary to talk about what you are allowed and not allowed to do on the road.

- Focus on listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

II. Teaching aids:               

- Teacher: Cassette tape, pictures ,lesson plan, extra board ….

- Student: Textbooks, notebooks,……

III. Procedures:

  1. Warm up:
doc 6 trang Hải Anh 11/07/2023 1320
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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Tuần 17 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Lê Tấn Phong

  1. hear. - Stick the pictures with road - Look at the pictures and What these road signs mean ? signs on the board say what the roads signs Eliciting answers mean a. You must slow down - Have students tell what the - Tell what the road signs b. You can turn left road signs mean in front of mean in front of the class c. You mustn’t turn right the class d. You must stop - Give eliciting answers - Take note e. You can’t park here f. You can’t ride a motorbike. g. You can go ahead h. You can park here 3. Practice: C3. Listen and read - Play the tape Comprehension questions: 1. When you see ‘STOP’ - Call some students read the - Listen and repeat after the What must you do? passage in front of class. tape. We must stop - Point some road signs and - Read the passage in front 2. when you see the sign “No ask student some of class. right turn” what must you do? comprehension questions. - Answer the questions We mustn’t turn right C4. Listen. Which sign? - Listen to the tape Number the signs as you - Listen to the tape. hear. Number the signs as they Tape transcript: - Play the tape twice hear 1. You can’t turn right here - Have students listen to the - Write the answers on the 2. There’s a stop sign. I must tape. Number the signs as board stop. they hear - Listen to the tape and 3. You can park your car - Have students write the check the answers here. answers on the board 4. You must slow down. - Play the tape again and have 5. There’s an Intersection students listen to the tape and ahead. check the answers 6. You can enter that road. Look at the sign. 7. We can turn left here. 8. You can’t ride motorbike on this Street. - Give feed back - Take note Answers: c, d, h, a, g, b, f 4. Consolidation: - Remind the modal verbs - Take note and remember Modal verbs: can, can’t/ must, mustn’t to - Can / can’t + bare infinitive talk about the meanings of the - Must/ mustn’t+ bare road signs infinitive
  2. NV: Does+ he/ she/ it+ V Do+ you / we/ they+ V - Have students work in - Work in groups, use the *Adverbs: groups, use the correct form correct form of the present every day, every week of the present simple tense simple tense Answers: - Have students read and write - Read and write the answers a. go / go the answers on the board on the board b. travel / travels - Check and give feedback - Take note c. walk / don’t walk Does / walk / walks - Have student retell the use of - Retell the use of present 2. The present progressive present progressive tense. progressive tense. tense - Review the form and the use - Take note and copy in the *Form: of the present progressive book tense S+ IS/ ARE/ AM+ VING - Notice some adverbs going - Copy in the book *Adverbs: at the moment, at with the present progressive the present, now tense. Ex: - I’m watching TV now - Have students work in - Work in groups, use the - She is watching TV at the group, use the correct form of correct form of the present moment the present progressive tense. progressive tense. - Have students read and write - Read and write the answers Answers: the answers on the board on the board a. is riding - Give feedback - Take note b. are waiting c. is watching d. are playing e. is listening f. are walking g. is traveling 3. Prepositions - Have students tell some - Tell some prepositions Complete the exercises with prepositions the words in the box: - Have students tell the - Tell the meanings of some - in front of : phía trước meanings of some prepositions - behind : phía sau prepositions - opposite: đối diện - Have students work in pairs, -Work in pairs, complete the - to the left of: bên trái complete the exercises with exercises with the words in - to the right of : bên phải the words in the box. the box. Answer: - Have students write the - Write the answers on the in / in front of / behind / answers on the board board opposite / to the left of / to - Check and give feedback - Take note the right of. 4. Question words - Have students tell some -Tell some question words - What: cái gì question words - where: ở đâu - Ask students to tell the - Tell the meanings of some - when: khi nào meanings of some question question words - which: cái nào words - How: như thế nào - Have students work in pairs, - Work in pairs, complete the Answer: complete the questions with questions with question word a. Where
  3. - Questions words - can, can’t/ must, mustn’t - Have students review from - Review from Unit 1 to Unit Review from Unit 1 to Unit Unit 1 to Unit 8 8 8 *Grammar - The present simple tense - The present progressive tense - Prepositions - Questions words - Article *Questions about you IV. Feedback . Signature for week 17 Comments