Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Tuần 19 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Lê Tấn Phong

I. Objectives : After the lesson:

- Teacher helps students to learn parts of the body and how to describe the form of a person.

1. Language knowledge: 

- Ss learn parts of the body and how to describe the form of a person.

2. Skills: Focus on listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

3.Attitude: Helps students to know the way of greeting and to tell about the others

II. Teaching aids: 

1.Teacher's:Pictures, cassette player, extra board

2.Students': Textbooks, notebooks….

III. Procedures:

1.Warm - up:

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities


doc 7 trang Hải Anh 11/07/2023 1420
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  1. 4. Consolidation: - Ask students play game - Play game The guessing game ‘Guessing game’ 1. It is on the top of the Body. What is it? - Give some questions and - Guess the answers - head have students to guess the 2. They are at the end of answers your legs.What are they? - Take note - Feet. - Give feedback 3. It is between your arms. What is it? - Chest. 4. They are on your hands. What are they? - Fingers. 5. Home work: - Have students learn new - Learn new words and - New words in the part A1 words and structures by heart structures by heart - Structure in the part A2 - Have students do the exercises A1, 2 in the work - Do the exercises A1, 2 - Exercise A1 page 83 in the work book in the work book book - Have students prepare the new lesson - Prepare the new lesson - Unit 9: A3, 4, 5 ( pick out new words and meanings) IV. Feedback Week: 20 Date of planning: Period: 59 UNIT 9: THE BODY A. Parts of the body (A3, 4, 5) I. Objectives : - Teacher helps students to: + Describe the appearance of people in the picture. + Listen and recognize the appearance of a person + Describe age, job and appearance of people around them. 1.Language knowledge: - Ss can describe the physical appearance of people, listen and recognize the appearance of a person, describe age, job and appearance of people around them. 2. Skills: Focus on listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. 3.Attitude: Helps students to know the way of greeting and to tell about the others II. Teaching aids:
  2. - Call some students to read - Read new words in A3. Listen and repeat: new words in front of the front of the class ( Page 97) class - Play the tape - Listen to the tape - Have students read - Read sentences in sentences in silent silent - Call some students to read - Read the sentences in the sentences in front of the front of the class class - Show the picture A4 on the - Look at the pictures A4. Which picture? Listen and board. choose the right picture - Let students listen to the - Listen to the tape and Answers: tape and choose the right choose the right picture. 1. d picture. - Write the answers on 2. c - Have students write the the board 3. b answers on the board - Listen and check the 4. a - Play the tape again and answer TAPE TRANSCRIPT: check the answer 1. She’s a short girl. She is fat - Stick the picture A4 on the 2. He’s a fat man. He’s tall board - Look at the picture 3. He’s a short man. He’s fat. - Have students look at the - Look at the pictures and She’s a think woman. She’s tall. pictures and describe the describe the the person in A5. Listen and read: person in the part A4 the part A4 ( pages 98, 99) - Introduce about Chi and Tuan - Listen to the teacher - Play the tape twice. introduce about Chi - Have students read about - Listen to the tape. Chi and Tuan in front of the - Read about Chi and class Tuan in front of the class 4. Consolidation: - Ask students play game - Work in groups Play guessing game ‘Guessing Game’ Ex: - Divide class into 4 groups. - Separate into 4 groups P1: (group 1): She is short. - Give feedback She is thin She is light P2: (group 2): Is she Lan? P1: Yes, she is/No, she isn’t 5. Home work: - Have students learn new - Learn new words by *New words in part A3, A5 words by heart heart -Have students learn the *Structure in the part A3 structure by heart - Learn the structure by - Have students do the heart * Exercises A3, A4 pages 83, 84 in exercises - Do the exercises the workbook - Have students prepare the *Unit 9: B1 new lesson - Prepare the new lesson - Pick out new words and meanings IV. Feedback
  3. - face (n): - round (adj): - oval (adj): - Explain the structure to - Take note and copy - long (adj): describe face. in the book *Structure: She has an oval face 3. Practice: - Play the tape three times - Listen to the tape. B1. Listen and repeat: - Ask them to repeat the - Repeat the new ( page 100) new words after the tape. words after the tape. - Have them to repeat the - Repeat the new new words words - Erase new word and ask students to repeat new - Take note and repeat words new words - Call some students to - Read new words in read new words in front of front of the class the class. - Take note - Give feedback - Look at the pictures Eliciting answers: - Ask students look at the and describe face, lips, - She has an oval face pictures and describe face, hair of the people in - He has full lip. lips, hair of the people in the pictures - She has long hair. the pictures - Describe in front of - - Have students describe in the class front of the class - Take note - Give feedback - Work in pairs to - Have students work in introduce the way to pairs to introduce the way describe face, lips, to describe face, lips, hair hair 4. Consolidation: - Have students play game - Play game The game “word square’ “Word square’ H A I R X F - Have students work in - Work in groups, find N E F A T I groups, find the words that the words that has E O Y F E N has meaning meaning A B S E E G - Tell students which - Take note R T H E T E group has more words will M O U T H R be the winner - Write words on the H E A V Y S - Have groups write words boards KEYS: on the boards - Take note Hair, fat, see, the, mouth, out, - Give feedback heavy. ear, arm, near, toe, to, feet. Nose, eye 5. Home work: - Have students learn new - Learn new words by * New words in the part B1 words by heart at home heart at home