Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Tuần 2 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Lê Tấn Phong

 I. Objectives: After the lesson:

- Teacher helps students will be able to know the way to greet friends or other people according to the time in a day.

1. Language knowledge: 

- Students know how to use the present simple tense ( to be).

2. Skills:      

- Focus on listening, speaking, reading and writing skills .

3.Attitude: Helps students to know the way of greeting and to tell about the others

II. Teaching aids: 

1.Teacher's:Pictures, cassette player, extra board. 

2.Students': Textbooks, notebooks….

III. Procedures:

1. Warm -up:

doc 6 trang Hải Anh 11/07/2023 1540
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  1. - Explain new words - Copy in the book - Children (n) : 3 Practice: *B1 - Have students read words in - Read words in front of the - Good morning, Good front of the class class afternoon, Good evening, Good night, Goodbye - Have students practice with a - Practice with a partner *B2 partner - Good morning, Good afternoon, Good evening, Good night - Have students practice the -Practice the dialogue in *B3 dialogue in pairs pairs a) Miss Hoa: Good morning, children. Children: Good morning, Miss Hoa . b) Mom: Goodnight, Lan -Have students work in pairs Lan: Goodnight, Mom complete the dialogue B4 -Work in pairs complete the *B4 -Call students to read the dialogue B4 Lan:Good afternoon, Nga dialogue in front of the class - Read the dialogue in front Nga: Good afternoon, Lan of the class Lan: How are you? -Correct and give feedback Nga: I am fine, thanks and -Copy in the book you? Lan : Fine, thanks Nga: Goodbye. Lan: Bye 4. Consolidation: - Remind the way to greet - Take note -Good morning according to the time -Good afternoon -Good evening -Good night -Good bye - Remind the structure to ask - Recall Structure: health - How are you? I am fine, thanks 5. Home work: -Have Learn by heart all the - Learn by heart all the new - The dialogue in book new words words -Have students practice the - Practice the dialogue at dialogue at home home - Have students prepare the new - Prepare the new lesson at - Prepare C1, 2 page 17 & 18 lesson home. + Read loudly the cardinal number C1 IV.Feedback:
  2. - Play the tape to count from -Listen and remind one to twenty and ask Ss to remember - Call some Ss to read loudly in - Remember and read loudly Ex: front of class in front of class - Even numbers: 2, 4, 6, - Let Ss to count even numbers - Count even numbers and 8, and odd numbers odds numbers - Odd numbers: 1, 3, 5, -Let students play game -Play game 7, . -Call three students to go the - Go the board and play game Play game : Rub out and board and play game remember - The first student reads a number in vietnamese. - The seccond student reads this number in English. - The third student writes this number on the board -Give feedback - Take note EX: S1: số 1 S2: one S3: One ( Write on the board ) 4. Consolidation: - Review cardinal numbers - Recall - Ask students to write 5 numbers you remember on - Write on the board the board. - Check and give feedback - Take note 5. Home work: - Have students learn cardinal - Learn cardinal numbers from Cardinal numbers from 1 to numbers from 1 to 20 by heart 1 to 20 by heart at home 20 - Have student to read loudly -Read loudly cardinal numbers cardinal numbers from 1 to 20 from 1 to 20 at home at home - Prepare next lesson at home - Unit 1 : Lesson :C3, C4 - Ask student to prepare next + Find out new words lesson + Read loudly dialogue C3 IV. Feedback: . .
  3. 3. Practice: - Call one students to introduce - Introduce other students to Ex: S1: Hello, Trang other students to the teacher the teacher Hello, Ha S2: Hello, Ngoc - Play the dialogue again - Listen to the tape S1: This is Tuan, This is Dung and This is Phong - Have students work in groups - Work in groups to Ex: S1: Hello, Hoa to introduce others and ask and introduce others and ask and S2: Hello, Mai answer about the age answer about the age This is Mai S1: Hello Mai How old are you? S2: I’m twelve 4. Consolidation: - Remind the structures - Take note Structures: - This is -Ask some questions about -Answer - How old are you? age - I’m twelve. -Take note -Check and give feedback 5.Home work: -Have students learn - Learn structures to ask structures to ask about the about the age by heart age by heart - Review cardinal -Have students review numbers from 1to 20 at cardinal numbers home -Have students prepare the - Prepare the new lesson - Unit 2: A1, A2 page 20, 21 new lesson IV. Feedback . / /2017 Signature