Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Tuần 21 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Lê Tấn Phong

I. Objectives : By the end of the lesson students will be able to describe features and know about adjectives of color .

1.Language knowledge:

 - Ss can describe the parts on the face.

2. Skills: Focus on listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

3.Attitude: Helps students to know the way of greeting and to tell about the others

II. Teaching aids: 

1.Teacher's:Pictures, cassette player, extra board

2.Students': Textbooks, notebooks….

III. Procedures:

1. Warm - up:

doc 6 trang Hải Anh 11/07/2023 1360
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  1. - Correct and feed back. B: They’re brown. - Ask students to talk - Work in pairs. colors of your objects - Call some pairs to - Practice in front of practice class - Listen and correct - Take note pronunciation 4. Consolidation: - Have students make a - Work in pairs Ex: new dialogue A: I have a new doll B: What color is her hair? A: It’s black. B: What color are her eyes? B: They are brown. 5. Home work: - Have students learn new - Learn new words and - New words in the part B2 words and structures by structures by heart - Structure in the part B3 heart - Do the exercises in - Exercise in the work book - Have students do the the work book exercises in the work - Prepare the new - Unit 9: B 4, 5 book lesson ( pick out new words and meanings) - Have students prepare the new lesson IV. Feedback Week: 21 Date of planning: Period:62 UNIT 9: THE BODY B4, 5 I. Objectives : After the lesson students will be able to: - Further practice in body vocabulary to describe people. 1.Language knowledge: Describe about Chi and people in the pictures. 2. Skills: Focus on listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. 3.Attitude: Helps students to know the way of greeting and to tell about the others II. Teaching aids: 1.Teacher's:Pictures, cassette player, extra board 2.Students': Textbooks, notebooks . III. Procedures: 1. Pre-reading: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Content - Show the picture about - look at picture and Miss Chi. guess. - Have student to close Ex:
  2. - Stick the picture B5 on - Describe in the B5. Listen the board. pictures. Ex: a. think lips, short hair, big nose. b. long hair, full lips, round face. - Hang the extra board and c. play the tape and ask - Try to listen to the Tape transcript: students complete the tape and complete the 1. He has short hair. He has around information in the extra information in the face. He has a big nose. He has full board. extra board. lips. 2. He has short hair. He has an oval - Have students exchange - Exchange. face. He has a small nose. He has with a partner. thin lips. - Have students write - Write information in 3. She has long hair. She has an oval information in the extra the extra board. face. She has big nose. She has thin board. lips. - Check and feed back. - Take note 4. She has long hair. She has an oval face. She has small nose. She has thin lips. short long round oval hair face - Remind and describe - Take note. about face by ‘Net work’. head nose lips big small think full 5. Home work: - Have students learn new - Learn new words - New words in the part B4 words and structures by and structures by heart - Structure in the part B5 heart - Do the exercises in - Exercise in the work book - Have students do the the work book exercises in the work book - Prepare the new - Unit 10: A1, 2 - Have students prepare lesson ( pick out new words and meanings) the new lesson IV. Feedback
  3. answer in front of the class. How does he/ she feel? - Ask students to write about - Work in individual ->He/ She is your feeling -How do they feel? - Call some students to write - Write the answers ->They are the answers on the board on the board * For class 6A - Correct - Take note - Write about your feeling 4. Consolidation: - Review structures about - Recall How + do/does +S + the feeling of people feel? S + am/is/are + adjective. 5. Home work: - Have students learn new - Learn new words - New words in the part A1 words and structures by and structures by - Structure in the part A2 heart heart - Exercise in the work book - Have students do the - Do the exercises in exercises in the work book the work book - Unit 10: A3, 4 - Have students prepare the - Prepare the new ( pick out new words and meanings) new lesson lesson IV.Feedback / /2018 Signature