Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Tuần 23 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Lê Tấn Phong

I. Objectives : By the end of the lesson students will be able to :

  • Recognize count and countless noun with some and any

1.Language knowledge: Ask and answer about food and drink

2. Skills: Focus on listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

3.Attitude: Helps students to know the way of greeting and to tell about the others

II. Teaching aids: 

1.Teacher's:Pictures, cassette player, extra board

2.Students': Textbooks, notebooks….

III. Procedures:

1. Warm - up:

doc 6 trang Hải Anh 11/07/2023 1380
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  1. 4. Practice: B3. Ask and answer - Remind Some / any. - Take note Some / Any: một vài + Some: dùng trong câu khẳng định + Any: dùng trong câu phủ định .Ex: A: Is there any meat? - Stick the pictures B1 again - Work in pairs. B: Yes, there are some chicken. and have students ask and A: Is there any milk? answer. B: No, there isn’t nay milk. A: Are there any banana? B: Yes, there are some banana. A: Is there any food? B: Yes, there are some fruits. A: Are there any orange? B: No, there aren’t any oranges. 5. Home work: - Have students learn new - Learn new words - New words words and structures by and structures by heart heart - Exercise in the work book - Have students do the exercises in the work book - Do the exercises in - Unit 10: B4, 5 - Have students prepare the the work book ( pick out new words and meanings) new lesson - Prepare the new lesson IV. Feedback Week: 23 Date of planning: Period: 68 UNIT 10: STAYING HEALTHY Section C: My favorite food (C1,2,3,4) I. Objectives : By the end of the lesson students will be able to: -Speak about favorites Food to contrast ‘Would you like ?with ‘Do you like ?’ 1.Language knowledge: Ask and answer about food and drink 2. Skills: Focus on listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. 3.Attitude: Helps students to know the way of greeting and to tell about the others II. Teaching aids:
  2. C1.Listen andd repeat. Then - Have some pairs practice - Practice before class. practice with a partner loudly before class. Ex: - What are these? – They are carrots. - What are those? – They’re beans C2.Listen andd repeat. Then - Play the tape. - Listen to the tape. practice with a partner - Read the dialogue - Listen to the teacher. Ex: - Let them listen to the - Repeat after the ❖ What’s your favourite food, Hoa? teacher and repeat. teacher. ❖ I like meat. - Have students practice in ❖ Do you like vegetables? pairs to read the dialogue in - Practice in pairs. ❖ Yes, I do. silent. ❖ Do you like carrots? - Have students role play ❖ No, I don’t. I like potatoes and - Have students ask and - Role play. peas. answer the same questions - Practice in pairs. with their partner. C4. Practice in pairs Do you like ? - What do you like? Notes: - Introduce the structures. ❖ What would you like? - Copy the notes and I would like - Retell students how to memorize. ❖ What is there to drink / eat? express one’s favor by using There is / There are the verb “like” ❖ I like / I don’t like . - Retell all the new ❖ She /He likes She/ He doesn’t structures in this unit. - Practice freely with like - Let them practice freely their partner, using as ❖ They like / They don’t like with their partner, using as many structures they ❖ Do you like ? many structures they have have studied as ❖ Does he / she like ? studied as possible. possible. Do they like ? 4. Consolidation: - Remind the structures. - Listen. - I like - I don’t like - Do you like ? - Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. 5. Home work: - Have students learn new - Learn new words and - New words words and structures by structures by heart heart - Ask students to write 5 - write 5 sentences about sentences about your your favourite foods. favourite foods. - Unit 11: A1 - Have students prepare the - Prepare the new lesson ( pick out new words and new lesson meanings) IV. Feedback:
  3. on the board and while looking at the a box , a can, a bar, toothpaste, introduce the dialogue picture. chocolate, a packet, a dozen, a tube through the picture. bottle, egg, a gram, a kilo , soap, peas, cooking oil - Stick the picture A1b. - Look at he pictures Structures: on the board and explain and copy the new CAN: the new words. words. Can + I + V + O? Ex: Can I have an apple, Mon? Can I have a bottle of cooking oil, - Play the tape twice. - Listen to the tape. please? - Can I help you ? Ex: Can you go to the store for me? - Explain the structure. - Take note + Answers: (+) – Yes, of cause / certainly. (-) – I’m sorry, I can’t - I’d like to, but I’m sorry I can’t. I’m busy. 3. Practice: - Let them listen to the - Listen again and tape again and repeat. repeat. - Ask students role play the dialogue. - Role play. Ex: - Ask them to redrill P1: Can I help? other dialogues, - Practice in pairs P2: Yes, a packet of tea please. replacing by other kinds P1: Here you are. of food they want. P2: Thank you. 4. Consolidation: - Remind all the new - Listen and take note. words and the structure. 5. Home work: - Have students learn - Learn new words and - New words new words and structures structures by heart by heart - Have students prepare - Prepare the new - Unit 11: A2 the new lesson lesson ( pick out new words and meanings) IV. Feedback: / /2018 Signature