Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Tuần 24 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Lê Tấn Phong

I. Objectives : By the end of the lesson students will be able to:

  • Listen for specific information about quantities for food shopping.
  • Communicate with some body when they buy food.

1.Language knowledge:

     - Ask and answer about quantity.

  • Discriminate how to use ‘How much …?’, ‘How many …?’

2. Skills: Focus on listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

3.Attitude: Helps students to know the way of greeting and to tell about the others

II. Teaching aids: 

1.Teacher's:Pictures, cassette player, extra board

2.Students': Textbooks, notebooks….

III. Procedures:

doc 6 trang Hải Anh 11/07/2023 1220
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  1. : table apple, egg How many+danh từ d9e61m được+do/does +S+V? - Give some nouns - Give some Ex: How many eggs do you want? and have students examples. Some nouns: give some examples water, eggs, meat, bread, tea, table, book, apple, Ex: How much water do you want? -How many eggs does she want? -How much bread do they want? -How much rice do you want? -How many tables do they want? 3. While - listening: - Play the tape three - Listen to the tape Extra board: times and have and complete the Items Quantity students complete information in the Beef 200g the information in table. Eggs A dozen the table - Have student role - Role play the play the dialogue. dialogue. - Have students - Answer the Answers: answer the question question in the a. He is at store. in the book. book. b. He wants some beef and some eggs. - Ask students read - Work in pairs. c. He wants two hundred grams of beef. the answers d. He wants a dozen eggs. 4. Post - listening: - Remind ‘how - Take note Chocolate wine butter much, how many’ by network Rice milk beef Tea How much Soap cooking oil cheese oranges pens eggs How many glass milk 5. Home work: - Have students learn - Learn new words new words and and structures by structures by heart heart - Practice dialogue at - Practice dialogue - Exercise in the work book home at home - Have students do - Do the exercises in - Unit 11: A3, 4 the exercises in the the work book ( pick out new words and meanings) work book - Prepare the new - Have students lesson prepare the new ls
  2. - Hang the extra board - Work in groups. - Where is Nam going to? on the board and ask Extra board: students to order the 1. How much rice do you want? sentences. 2. Half a dozen, please. 3. How many oranges, Mon? 4. Two kilos – and I need half a kilo of beef and some oranges 5. Yes, Mon – What do you need? 6. A bottle of cooking oil and some rice 7. Can you go to the store for me? Key to answers: 7 – 5 – 6 – 1 – 4 – 3 – 2 3. While - reading: - Play the tape three - Listen to the tape. times. - Read the dialogue in Questions: - Have students read the silent 1. Where is Nam going to ? dialogue in silent. 2. What does Nam’s mother want? - Have students role play - Role play. 3. How much rice does she want? . - Answer the questions 4. How much beef does she need? - Ask students some as the teacher’s ask. 5. How many oranges does she questions. need? 4. Post - reading: - Hang the extra board - Complete the table on the board and have Item Quality students to complete the Cooking oil 1 bottle table. Rice 2 kilos Beef Half a kilo Oranges Half a dozen 5. Home work: - Have students learn - Learn new words and new words and structures structures by heart by heart - Do the exercises in - Have students do the the work book - Exercise in the work book exercises in the work - Prepare the new - Unit 11: B1, 2, 3 book lesson ( pick out new words and meanings) - Have students prepare the new lesson IV. Feedback:
  3. 3. Post - listening: GAME: 1 3 5 7 9 2 4 6 8 10 Lucky numbers: 2, 4, 6 - Have students play - Play game 1. What would you like for breakfast? game ‘Lucky number’ 2. Lucky number. 3. What would you like for lunch? 4. Lucky number. 5. Lucky number. 6. What would you like for dinner? 7. How much beef do you need? 8. how many eggs do you want? 4. Home work: - Have students learn new - Learn new words words and structures by and structures by heart heart - Exercise in the work book - Have students do the - Do the exercises in exercises in the work the work book - Unit 11: B4,5 book - Prepare the new ( pick out new words and meanings) - Have students prepare lesson the new lesson IV. Feedback: . / /2018 Signature