Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Tuần 32 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Lê Tấn Phong

I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to know about countries, Nationalities, and languages vocabulary to talk about where people are from.

1.Language knowledge:

2. Skills: Focus on listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

3.Attitude: Helps students to know the way of greeting and to tell about the others

II. Teaching aids: 

1.Teacher's:Pictures, cassette player, extra board

2.Students': Textbooks, notebooks….

III. Procedures:

1. Warm - up:

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  1. about the places they and answer questions come from about the countries. - Show them pictures of - Look at the pictures some people and ask them about countries and nationalities (uncleHo,Lenin) 2. Listen and read - Read the sentences and - Listen to the teacher as ask them to listen requested attentively - Ask them to retell - Try to retell Minh’s Ex: Minh’s introduction. introduction - My name is Laura. - Have them build up - Write new sentences - I’m from Canada. new sentences and write in the notebook. - I speak English in their notebook. Laura is from Canada. She speaks English. A5. Write. Questions: - Show students some - Look at the postcard 1. Where is Nhan? postcards 2. How is Nhan travelling? -Read the postcard -Listen to teacher and 3. Who is writing the postcard? aloud read 4. Where is Nhan going to visit -Mention the situation - Listen to teacher’s tomorrow? when the writer writes a emphasics Answes: postcard. -Answer questions 1. Nhan is on vacation in London -Ask questions to elicit about the content of the 2. By bus the content of the postcard 3. Nhan is writing the postcard. postcard. 4. He is going to visit the tower of London tomorrow. Postcard: Dear ,( the beginning) I’m on vacation in London. - Aks students to write a - Write a postcard to The weather is postcard to Nhan from Nhan from Minh I’m going by ( means of transport) Minh and (visiting) . Tomorrow, I’m going to 4. Consolidation: -Ask students questions -Answer - Where are you from? - Which language do you speak ? -What’s your nationality? 5. Home work: - Have students learn - Learn new words and - New words new words and Practice structures by heart A1 at home. - Have students prepare - Prepare the new lesson - Unit 15. A3,A4, A6 the new lesson IV. Feed back:
  2. Laura Canad Canadi English a an and French 3. Practice A3. Listen and repeat -Have students ask and -Ask and answer about Where is Minh from? answer questions about the people in part A3 He is from Viet Nam people in part A3 about about country , -What is his nationality? country , nationality nationality and language - His nationality is vietnamese and language -Which language does he speak ? -Give feedback He speaks Vietnamese A4. Make dialogues A: Who’s that? -Have students practice -Practice the dialogue in B: That’s Yoko the dialogue in pairs pairs C: Where is she from? -Give feedback -Take note A: She’s from Japanese B: What’s her nationality? A: She’s Japanese . 4. Consolidation: - Ask student questions - Answer 1. Where are you from? I’m from 2. Which language do you speak? I speak - Give feedback - Take note 3. What’s your nationality? I’m . 5. Home work: - Have students - Learn by heart - New words practice A3,4 at home. - Have students do the - Do the exercises in the - Exercise in the work book exercises in the work work book book - Prepare the new lesson 45 Minutes Test correction - Have students prepare the new lesson IV. FEEDBACK: . Week: 32 Date of planning: Period: 96 45-Minutes Test Corection I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Students will be able to know how to do the test better and correct their mistakes, consolidation about knowledge from U12 to U14.
  3. 8 – 10 6,5 – 7 5 – 6,4 3,5 – 4,9 0 – 3,4 IV. Feedback / /2018 Signature