Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Tuần 33 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Lê Tấn Phong

I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

  • Talk about counties, and language vocabulary and talk about where people are from
  • Know the use of comparative  and superlative.

1.Language knowledge:

2. Skills: Focus on listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

3.Attitude: Helps students to know the way of greeting and to tell about the others

II. Teaching aids: 

1.Teacher's:Pictures, cassette player, extra board

2.Students': Textbooks, notebooks….

III. Procedures:

1. Warm- up

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  1. - Ask students read and - Read and answer the Answers: answer the questions questions a. No, Ha Noi is smaller than Ho - Call some students to give - Give the answers and Chi Minh city the answers write on the board b. Mexico city is the biggest city in the world - Check and give feedback - Take note c. Tokyo is bigger than London 4. Consolidation: - Review the structures - Recall • Comparative: S1 + Vtobe + adj-er than + S2 • Superlative: S + Vtobe + the adj-est + N 5. Homework - Have students learn new - Learn new words and - New words words and structures by structures by heart heart - Do the exercises in the - Exercise in the work book - Have students do the work book exercises in the work book - Prepare the new lesson - Unit 15: B3,4 - Have students prepare the new lesson IV. Feedback : Week: 32 Date of planning: Period: 98 UNIT 15: COUNTRIES B3,4 I. Objectives: By the name of the lesson students will be able to: - Introduce about places. - Reading facts about Famous in the world. 1.Language knowledge: 2. Skills: Focus on listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. 3.Attitude: Helps students to know the way of greeting and to tell about the others II. Teaching aids: 1.Teacher's:Pictures, cassette player, extra board 2.Students': Textbooks, notebooks . III. Procedures: 1. Warm - up: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Content - Have students play - Play game game lucky number 1 2 3 4 - Divide class into two 5 6 7 8 groups 1. What is the biggest city in Viet
  2. - Have students answer - Answer the questions the questions in the in the textbook. - students answers: textbook. 4. Post - reading: - Have students answer - Answer the question of 1. What’s the biggest in the world? the questions the teacher ( Mexico city) 2. How many people live in Tokyo? (12 million) 3. Which city in Viet nam has a population of 3,5 million? (HCM C) 4. Where is the Sears tower? How tall is the sears Tower? ( Chicago / 442 meters) 5. What is the tallest building in the world? (Petronas Twin Towers) 6. Where is Petronas Twin Towers? (Malaysia) 7. How tall is Petronas Twin Towers? (452 meters) 8. What’s the longest structure in the world? ( The Great Wall) 9. Where is the Great Wall? (China) 10.How long is the Great Wall? (6,000 kilometers) 11.How high is the Great Wall? (4 to 12 meters) 12.How thick is the Great Wall? (over 9 meters) 5. Home work: - Have students learn new - Learn new words and - New words words and structures by structures by heart heart - Do the exercises in the - Exercise in the work book - Have students do the work book -Prepare C1, C2 exercises in the work - Prepare the new lesson book - Have students prepare the new lesson IV. Feedback:
  3. - Play the tape C1 three - Listen to the tape and C1. Listen and read times. repeat. Questions: - Read the text in front of Are there many forest in VN? - Have some students read class. Are there many beach in VN? Are the text in front of class. - Answer the teacher’s there many lakes in VN? - Ask student some questions VN has lots few No questions for - Fill the extra board of comprehension mountain  - Have students fill the extra - Look at the picture and rivers  board. names forest  - Stick the picture C1 page - Fill in the blank in the lake  164 textbook. beach  - Have students fill in the deserts  blank in the textbook. a. mountains b. rives c. lakes d. rain e. forests f. beaches g. deserts 4. Consolidation: - Have students do exercise - Look at the picture Ex: Does VN have any forest? C2 page 164 again . ask and answer. - No, it doesn’t / Yes, it does - Call some students to ask - Work in pairs and answer - Listen and check -Take note 5. Home work: - Have students learn new - Learn new words and - New words words and structures by structures by heart heart - Do the exercises in the - Exercise in the work book - Have students do the work book - UNIT 15 : C3 exercises in the work book - Prepare the new lesson - Have students prepare the new lesson IV/ FEEDBACK: / /2018 Signature