Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Tuần 5 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Lê Tấn Phong

                A. MY HOUSE ( A3, A4)

I. Objectives: After the lesson  :

          - Teacher helps students to role play Ba talk about his family then practice asking and answering  about Ba’s family ( name, old, job)

1. Language knowledge:

Teacher helps students know how to usePersonal pronoun, object, possessive pronoun.

2. Skills:      

- Focus on listening, speaking, reading and writing skills .

3.Attitude: Helps students to know the way of greeting and to tell about the others

II. Teaching aids: 

1.Teacher's:Pictures, cassette player, extra board. 

2.Students': Textbooks, notebooks….

III.  Procedures:

1. Warm up:

doc 6 trang Hải Anh 11/07/2023 1440
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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Tuần 5 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Lê Tấn Phong

  1. - Have students find out the - Give the meaning of new - father (n): meaning of new words words - student (n): - teacher (n): - mother (n): - sister (n): - brother (n): - people (n): - family (n): - Introduce structures - Copy in the book * Possesive pronouns: I – my You – your She – her - Have read the new words - Read in chorus He – his after teacher *Structure Who is this/ that? - Play the tape 3 times - Listen That/ this is Ba’s mother - Ask students to draw - Work in pairs Note : sau tính từ sở hữu luôn có table about person in the danh từ đi kèm theo picture Mối Nghề Tên quan Tuổi nghiệp hệ Ba 12 Nga Mother Ha Lan 3. Practice: A4. Answer the questions - Play the tape again - Listen and repeat - Have students read the - Read the passage in front passage in front of class of class - Have students do - Work in groups answer * Answers: exercises A4 in groups the questions a. Her name ‘s Nga -Have students read and - Read and write the b. His name ‘s Ha write the answers on the answers on the board c. That is Ba. He is twelve board d. This is Lan. she’s 15 year old - Check and feed back - Take note 4. Consolidation: - Have students answers the - Ask and answer * Answer the questions questions questions a .What is your name ? - Give feedback - Take note b. How old are you? c. How many people are there in your family? 5. Homework : - Have students learn new - Learn new words and words and structures by structures by heart heart - Have students read the - Read the passage and passage and answer the answer the questions at Teaching plan 6
  2. -Fifty -Sixty -Seventy -Eighty -Ninety -One hundred - There is . - Have students answer - Answer -T here are . the questions What are they used for? Eg: - There are two pens on table - There is a pen on the table. - Explain count table - Take note B2. Practice noun Note: +Những danh từ tận cùng: o, s, x, ch, sh, thêm “es” Eg: book – books - Explain pronunciation - Take note bench – benches box – boxes - Have students read - Read - Những danh từ tận words on the board cùng k, p, t ta them “s” Eg: - desks, students, books - rulers, tables, doors - benches, couches, houses - Point things in class & - Guess and answer * Questions: ask - How many table are there? - There are 3. Practice: -Have students read - Read loudly in front of B1. Listen and repeat numbers numbers class - Have students count - Count the items in the the items in the classroom classroom. 4. Consolidation: - Have students repeat - Repeat number number 10 - Have students play - Play game 90 50 game “Slap the board” 70 20 0 30 80 60 5. Homework : - Have students learn - Learn new words and Teaching plan 6
  3. answer How many windows are there? ->There are two 3. Practice: - Hang the picture B2 on the -Look at the picture *B4. Practice with a partner board How many doors are there? - Have students practice - Practice asking and How many windows are there? asking and answering the answering the questions How many tables are there? questions How many chairs are there? - Give feedback - Hang the pictures B5 on the -Look at the picture *B5. Practice board - Have students practice - Practice asking and How many televisions are asking and answering the answering the questions there? questions with how many with how many are How many chairs are there? are there? there? How many lamps are there? - Give feedback - Correct How many people are there 4. Consolidation: - Have students practice - Practice asking and * Questions: asking and answering the answering the questions the How many are there? questions the quantity in class quantity in class with How There is / there are . with How many are there? many are there? - Give feedback - Take note 5. Home work: -Have students practice - Practice asking and asking and answering the answering the questions the questions the quantity in class quantity in class with How with How many are there? at many are there? at home home -Have students prepare the -Prepare the new lesson The part C1, C2 page 38, 39 new lesson IV. Feedback: / /2017 Signature Teaching plan 6