Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Tuần 6 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Lê Tấn Phong

                  C. FAMILY ( C1, C2)

I. Objectives: After the lesson students :

- Teacher helps students to ask and answer about family of person in the pictures, talk about song’s family and their family.

1. Language knowledge: Teacher helps students know how to use Present simple tense.

2. Skills:      

- Focus on listening, speaking, reading and writing skills .

3.Attitude: Helps students to know the way of greeting and to tell about the others

II. Teaching aids: 

1.Teacher's:Pictures, cassette player, extra board. 

2.Students': Textbooks, notebooks….

III. Procedures:   

1. Warm up:

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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Tuần 6 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Lê Tấn Phong

  1. the picture C2 page 39 -Take note * New words: - Introduce Song’s family - Copy in the book - doctor (n): - Introduce new words - nurse (n): 3. Practice: - Play the tape again - Read the text in *C1.Listen and read then answer the - Have students read the silence. questions. text in silence. Answers: - Ask students to read the - Read the text in front a . There are four people in her family. text in front of the class of the class b . He is forty. - Ask students to work in - Work in groups, c . He is an engineer groups, answer the answer the questions d . She is thirty- five questions e . She is a teacher. - Have students write the - Write the answers on f. Her brother is eight. answers on the board the board g . He is a student. - Have students ask and - Ask and answer the h. They are in the living room. answer the questions in questions in pairs *C2.practice with a partner pairs - Mr Kien is a doctor. He is 42 years old. - Have students work in - Work in pairs, talk -Mrs Oanh is a nurse. pairs, talk about Song’s about Song’s family. She is 39 years old. family. -Lan is a student. She is 15 years old. -Song is a student. He is 12 years old -What does Kien’s father do? - Work in pairs, ask and -How old is he? - Have students work in answer about Song’s -> He is a doctor pairs, ask and answer family. He is 42 about Song’s family. -What does Kien’s mother do? -How old is she ? ->She is a nurse She is 39 years old -What does Kien’s sister do? How old is she? ->She is a student She is 15years old. -What does Song do? How old is he ? ->He is a student. He is 12 years old. 4. Consolidation: - Call students to answer - Answer questions - Introduce your family questions about their about their family Ex: This is my family. There family are 5. Homework : - Have students learn new - Learn new words and
  2. To be I am I’m We/ they are We’re, they’re He/ She/ is He’s/ She’s/ It It’s - Review Yes/ No - Recall Questions: questions Is / are + S ? Yes, S + is/ are No, S+ isn’t/ aren’t Exercise 1:To be -Have students work in - Work in pairs, do I am Nga. I am a student. My mother pairs, do exercises 1,2,3 exercises 1,2,3 and father are teachers My brother is a student There are four people in my family . Activity 2:To be I am Ba. This is Nga. She is my friend. We are in the yard. My mother and father are in the house. *For class 6A: -Have students write the - Write the answers on Talk three or more than three sentences answers on the board the board about their family using To be Ex: I am Hoa. I am a student My father is a doctor. He is 40 Exercise 3:To be a . How old are you ? -Give feedback I am twelve b . How old is she ? She is eleven. c . Is he eleven ? No, he isn’t d . Are they twelve? No, they aren’t Exercise 4: Imperative ( command ) a . come in b . sit down c . open your book d . close your book e . stand up
  3. 7 .board 8 .window 3. Homework: -Have students write the - Write the exercise in the exercise in the book book -Have students prepare to - prepare to take the test *Review the lesson from 1 to take the test 45 minutes 45 minutes 3 IV. Feedback: Week: 6 Date of planning: Period: 18 AN HOA SECONDARY SCHOOL THE FIRST WRITTEN TEST Name: . Subject: English Class: 6 Time: 45 minutes I. Listen: Question 1: Listen to the tape and choose the best answer ( 2pts ) 1. A. B C D 2. ABCD 3. ABCD 4. ABCD II. Language focus: Question 2: Choose the best anwwer (4pts) 1. What is your name? - name is Nga. A. My B. His C. Her D. Your 2. How . you? – I’m fine, thanks. A. be B. am C. is D. are 3. do you live? A. What B. How many C. Where D. How 4. My name Lan A. are B. am C. be D. is 5. Sit please! A. up B. in C. down D. on 6. students are there in your class? – There are thirty-eight. A. How many B. What C. How D. Where
  4. best =20% answer 1. Choose 3 3 2 Số the best câu: 8 answer to 5điể complete 1,5đ 1,5đ 1đ m the =40% LANGUAG following E FOCUS sentences. 2. Read 4 2 Số READING the câu: 6 passage 1đ 1đ 2điể and m choose the =20% best answer WRITING 3. Answer 1 1 Số the câu: 2 questions 1 đ 1 đ 2điể about you. m =20% Tổng số Câu : 18 Số Số Số Số Số Số Số Số Tổng số điểm: 10 câu 6 câu 5 câu 2 câu 3 câu 1 câu 2 câu 1 câu: Tỷ lệ: 100% Số Số Số Số Số Số Số 18 điểm: điểm: điểm: điểm: điểm: điểm: điểm: Số 2đ 2,5đ 1đ 1,5đ 1 đ 1đ 1 đ điểm: 20% 25% 10% 15% 10 % 10% 10 % 10 100% Phòng GD- ĐT Đông Hải TRƯỜNG THCS AN HÒA ĐÁP ÁN VÀ THANG ĐIỂM KIỂM TRA 45 PHÚT MÔN TIẾNG ANH 6 Time: Saturday, September 27st, 2014 I. Language Focus Tổng số câu 8 / 4đ. Mỗi câu đúng được 0,5đ 1/A ; 2/D ; 3/C ; 4/D ; 5/C ; 6/B ; 7/A ; 8/C ; 9/A ; 10/A II. Reading Tổng số câu 6/2đ. 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F