Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Tuần 7 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Lê Tấn Phong

I. Objectives: By the en of the lesson, 

     - Teacher helps students to ask and answer about Phong’s school, Thu’s school, and their school( location  and size ) using possessive: ‘s’ describe location and size of school.

1. Language knowledge: Teacher helps students how to use The present simple tense with”to have”

2. Skills:      

- Focus on listening, speaking, reading and writing skills .

3.Attitude: Helps students to know the way of greeting and to tell about the others

II. Teaching aids: 

1.Teacher's:Pictures, cassette player, extra board. 

2.Students': Textbooks, notebooks….

III. Procedures:

1. Warm - up:

doc 6 trang Hải Anh 11/07/2023 1360
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  1. words. Column A Column B - Have students look at - Look at the picture and Phong’s school Small the picture and match match Thu’s school big column A with column B Country City -Have students listen to - Listen to the tape one * Answer: the tape one and check the and check the answer Column A Column B answer Phong’s school big Thu’s school small city country *Structure: - Is your school big? Yes, it is / No, it isn’t - Where is your school? -Model the structure - Copy in the book It’s in the country/ in the country. 3. Practice A2. Answer then write the - Play the tape twice. - Listen and repeat answers in your book: - Call some students to - Read the text in front read the text in front of of class. class. - Have students work in - Work in groups answer a. Yes, it is groups of four answer the the questions b. No, it isn’t questions in part A1 - Write the answer on the c. It is in the country - Call some groups to board. d. No, it isn’t write the answer on the board. -Look at the extra board * For class 6A. - Ask students to talks - Read loudly in front of Talk about your school about your school class - This is my school. My school is - Call one to two students big. It is in the country. to read in front of class. 4. Consolidation: - Use mind-mapping to - Talk about Phong’s *The mind mapping consolidate the lesson school, Thu’s school and their school. Thu’s school Phong’s school School Your school 5. Home work: - Have students learn new - Learn new words by Write three sentences about words by heart heart Phong’s school and Thu’s school - Have student read the - Read the passage and
  2. 2. Pre reading: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Contents - Ask students play game - Play game “ The game Bing go ” “Bingo” from 1 to 2 BINGO - Explain the “game ” - Take note 20 18 8 15 23 11 - Draw on the board 25 1 3 13 17 2 6 numbers 7 12 21 19 4 24 - Ask students choose 5 - Choose 5 numbers and 5 14 16 9 22 10 numbers and write in their write in their paper paper -Play the game - Read 5 casual numbers and who has 5 numbers will say “ Bingo” - Answer the questions * Questions: - Have students look at the - What is this? picture A3 and answer the - Review - Is it small?/ Is it big? questions - Listen - Guess? How many classrooms are - Ask students questions there? - Have students review - How many teacher are there? about the numbers - Listen to the tape - How many school are there? - Introduce - Where is the school? - Play the tape three times - Take note A3. Read. Then answer the - Review some new questions words * New words:( review ) - classroom (n): - Read in chorus - student (n): - Have students read the - book (n): new words after teacher - desk (n): - hundred (n): 3. While reading: - Play the tape again - Listen and repeat - Have students read the - Read the text in silence text in silence The Manh Ghep Teachnique - Have students read the - Read the text in front of text in front of class class 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 - Ask students answer the question in the book 1 2 - Use the “ Manh Ghep 3 2 1 technique ” - Have students work in - Work in groups * Answers: groups a. There are eight classroom in - Have groups read and - Read and write the Phong’s school. write the answers on the answers on the board. b. There are four hundred students board. in his school. - Check and give - Correct c. There are twenty classroom in feedback Thu’s school. d. There are nine hundred students in her school. 4. Post reading:
  3. Week: 7 Date of preparing: Period: 21 45-Minutes Test Corection I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Students will be able to know how to do the test better and correct their mistakes, consolidation about knowledge from U1 to U3 II. Preparation: - Teacher: Extra board, posters . - Student: Textbooks, the test , III. Answer Keys Method Content - Have Ss give the answers after I. Listen correcting in pairs 1. - Ask Ss to explain why they choose it 2. - give feedback 3. 4. - Rewrite on board I. Language Focus: 8 x 0.5 = 4 - Explain then give feedback 1. A. my 2. D. are 3. C. Where 4. D. is 5. C. down 6. A. How many 7. C. benches - Group works translate the text then 8. A. are answer again II. Reading : 6 x 0.5 = 3 - Compare their answer 1. F - Give feedback 2. T 3. F 4. F 1. She is a teacher. - Group works Writing 2. She is fifteen years old. - Compare their answer III. Writing: 2 x 1 = 2 - Give feedback Answer the questions about you.: (2pts) a. I live in . b. I am .years old. IV. Result: Điểm Tổng số bài của từng lớp So sánh lần kiểm tra liền Tổng% 6A 6B 6C tăng% giảm% 8 – 10 6,5 – 7 5 – 6,4 3,5 – 4,9 0 – 3,4 V. Feedback: