Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Tuần 8 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Lê Tấn Phong

I. Objectives: After the lesson:

          - Teacher helps students to ask about school, class, grade, floor of Phong, Thu and themselves and describe location of objects.

1. Language knowledge: Teacher helps students  know ordinal numbers to tenth.

2. Skills:      Focus on listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

3.Attitude: Helps students to know the way of greeting and to tell about the others

II. Teaching aids: 

1.Teacher's:Pictures, cassette player, extra board. 

2.Students': Textbooks, notebooks….

III. Procedures:

1. Warm up:

doc 6 trang Hải Anh 11/07/2023 1400
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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Tuần 8 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Lê Tấn Phong

  1. - Check and give Phon 6 6A 1st feedback g - Have students write -Write three B3.Write three sentences about you three sentences about sentences about EX: My name is Lan themselves themselves I am twelve -Give feedback I am in grade 6 - Take note B4. Listen and repeat - Remind ‘first and Ordinal Numbers: second’ -Take note 1st first: - Explain ordinal 2nd second: numbers -Copy in the book 3rd third - Play the tape 4th fourth: - Ask students to read - Take note 5th fifth: ordinal numbers after - Read ordinal 6th sixth: teacher numbers after teacher 7th seventh: - Explain the way to 8th eighth: write ordinal numbers -Take note 9th ninth 10th tenth: B5. Complete the dialogue: - Hang the extra board -Look at the extra on the board board Thu: Is your school big? - Have students work - Work in pairs, Phong: No. It’s not in pairs, complete the complete the Thu: How many floors does it have? dialogue. dialogue. Phong: It has two floors -Check and give Thu: Which class are you in ? feedback - Copy in the book Phong: I am in class 6A Thu: Where is your classroom? Phong: It’s on the first floor 4. Consolidation: -Remind the structure -Take note * Structures: to ask about the class, - Which grade are you in ? grade and floors - Which class are you in? - How many floors does your school have ? -Remind ordinal -Take note * Ordinal numbers from 1st to 10th numbers 5. Home work: - Have students learn - Learn new words new words and and structures by structures by heart heart - Have students practice the dialogue - Practice the - Unit 4: C1, C2, C3 page 49 and cardinal numbers dialogue and cardinal + Pick out new words and meaning. at home numbers at home + Do exercises B1, 3 pages 38, 39 in the exercise book - Have students - Prepare the new prepare the new lesson lesson
  2. - I get up - He gets up. -Notice the subject Ba -Take note - I have breakfast and I and the verb to What does he do every morning? students He has breakfast. He She has It I - Notice the subject Ba You and I and the verb “ To - Take note We have have” They 3. Practice: 2. Practice with a partner - Ask students to read - Read the text in P1: What do you do in the morning? the text in front of the front of the class P2: I get up, then I brush my teeth, wash class - Work in pairs, my face, and have breakfast. - Have students work in practice in pairs ask P1: What does he do in the morning? pairs, practice in pairs and answer in front P2: He gets up, then he brush his teeth ask and answer in front of class of class 3. Write five sentences about Ba Every morning, Ba gets up. He gets - Work in groups, dressed. He brushes his teeth. He - Have students write 5 write 5 sentences washes his face. He has breakfast and sentences about Ba about Ba go to school. 4. Consolidation: - Remind activities in the - Take note morning - Remind the structure to - Take note ask and answer about activities in the morning. 5. Home work: -Have students learn new - Learn new words by words by heart heart -Have students ask and - Ask and answer answer about Ba’s about Ba’s activities activities and their and their activities at activities at home home - Unit 4 : C4, 5,6,7 pages -Have students write 50, 51 sentences about their - Write sentences + Rreview numbers from 1 to 100) morning activities at about their morning + Do exercises C1, C2 page 41 in the home activities at home workbook -Have students prepare - Prepare the new the new lesson lesson IV. FEEDBACK :
  3. What time do you have breakfast? - Introduce the questions - Listen and write down What time do you go to school? 3. Practice: - Play the tape - Listen and repeat C4. Listen and repeat. Then - Have students read the - Read the dialogue in practice the dialogue with a partner dialogue in pairs pairs ( Role play the dialogue) - Have students role play - Role play the dialogue C5. Listen and repeat. What time is The dialogue it? - Have students read the - Read the time and ask ( Ask and answer about the time ) time and ask and answer and answer about the time about the time in front of in front of the class the class C6. Read - Have students write the - Write the time in pairs Ba gets up at 6:00 time in pairs on the extra He has breakfast at 6: 30 board- Play the tape He goes to school at: 715 - Have student read the - Listen to the tape text in front of class. - Read the text in front of C7. Answer then write the answers class. a. I get up at 6.00 - Have students practice - Practice asking and b. I have breakfast at 615 asking and answering answering about the c. I go to school at 6 about the answers answers 4. Consolidation: - Remind activities in the -Take note. morning and time - Have students talk - Talk about the time and about the time and activities base on the table activities base on the table 5. Home work - Have students learn - Learn new words by new words by heart heart - Have students practice - Practice asking and asking and answering answering about their about their friend ‘s friend ‘s activities and activities and Ba’s Ba’s activities activities ( activities and time in the morning ) at Unit 5: A1, 2 home - Pick out new words and meaning - Have students prepare - Prepare the new lesson and guess activities in the pictures the new lesson - Guess the answers IV. Feed back: / /2017 Signature