Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Tuần 9 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Lê Tấn Phong

I. Objectives: After the lesson:

- Teacher helps students to ask and answer or write about main activities of a day of Nga and themselves.

1. Language knowledge: Teacher helps students review the present simple tense with Ordinary verbs.

2. Skills:      Focus on listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

3.Attitude: Helps students to know the way of greeting and to tell about the others

II. Teaching aids: 

1.Teacher's:Pictures, cassette player, extra board. 

2.Students': Textbooks, notebooks….

III. Procedures:

1. Warm up:

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  1. - Play the tape again - Listen to the tape A1. Listen and repeat. Then - Have students read - Read about Nga in silent practice with a partner about Nga in silent - Read about Nga in front - Have students read of class. about Nga in front of class.’ A2 . Look at exercise A1 again. Ask - Have students work in - Work in pairs. and answer with a partner. pairs - Go around and help - Ask if they don’t know - Have students read and - Read and write the * Answers: write the answers on the answers on the board. a. Nga gets up at 6 board. b. She goes to school. - Cheek and feedback. - Copy in the book. c. She plays game. - Have students practice - Practice asking and d. She does her homework. asking and answers the answers the questions questions 4. Consolidation: - Have students ask and - Ask and answer some Questions: answer some questions questions about their 1.What do you do everyday? about their everyday everyday activities 2.What do you do every morning? activities 3.What do you do every afternoon? 4.What do you do every evening? Answers: 1. Every day, I 2. Every morning, I -Give feedback - Correct 3. Every afternoon, I 4. Every evening, I 5. Home work: - Have students learn - Learn new words by *New words ( part A1) new words by heart. hear. - Have students read the - Read the passage then * The questions and answers passage then ask and answer the questions at ( Part A2) answer the questions at home home -Have students prepare - Prepare the new lesson. *Unit 5:A3, A4 pages 53, 54 the new lesson. - Do the homework - Pick out new words -Have students do the - Exercises A1, A2 pages 44, 45 in homework exercise book IV. Feedback
  2. 3. Practice: - Have students read the - Read the new words A3.Listen and read then practice the new words after teacher in chorus dialogue with a partner. - Let students listen to - Listen to the tape and the tape repeat - Call some students to - Read loudly read loudly *Khan Phu Ban Technique - Use the “ Khan Phu -Take note What do you do after school? Ban technique - watch TV -read book -listen to music - Ask students questions - Answer the questions - play games - watch TV - read book - do the homework - do the house work - read book - play games - Have students read - Read Ba, Lan, Nam - listen to music Ba, Lan, Nam and Thu’ and Thu’ activities A4. Answer then write then the answers activities in front of class in your exercise book. - Have students answer - Work in pairs * Answers: the question A4 and a. Lan does housework. copy in the book b. Ba watches TV. - Have students read - Read the answer c. Thu reads. answer d. Nam listens to music. - Check and feed back - Copy into the book 4. Consolidation: - Have students play - Play game The game Jumble words game ‘Jumble words’ 1. okhueowrs -Have students arrange - Arrange Jumble 2. cthaw Jumble words into the words into the meaning 3. tisenl meaning words words 4. ypal -Have students write the Answer key: answers on the board - Write the answers on 1. housework. - Check and give the the board 2. watch correct answers - Copy in the book 3. listen 4. play 5. Home work: - Have students learn - Learn new words by - New words ( part A3) new words by heart. heart. - Have students read - Read activities of Ba, - Activities ( part A3) activities of Ba, Lan, Lan, Nam, Thu at Nam, Thu at home home - Have students practice - Practice asking and - Questions and answer (part A4) asking and answer the answer the questions at questions at home. home. - Have students prepare - Prepare the new - Unit 4: A5, A6 pages 54, 55 the new lesson lesson IV. Feedback
  3. - Yes, I do / No, I don’t. Interrogative: Eg: I You .? Do We They He Does She ? It 3. Practice: - Have students read the - Read in chorus A5. Listen and repeat. Then new words after teacher practice with a partner - Play the tape again - Listen to the tape and repeat - Have students read the - Read in silent dialogue in silent 3 minutes - Have students role play - Role play * Questions: - Stick the picture A6 on - Guess and answer - Who are they? the board and ask - What are they doing? students questions A6. Listen and answer. Say Yes, I - Play the tape three - Listen and answer do or No, I don’t. times and have students a. Yes, I do / No, I don’t ‘say Yes, I do or No. I b. Yes, I do / No, I don’t don’t’ c. Yes, I do / No, I don’t - Have students ask and - Ask and answer the d. Yes, I do / No, I don’t answer the questions in questions in pairs e. Yes, I do / No, I don’t pairs f. Yes, I do / No, I don’t - Check and feed back -Take note 4. Consolidation: - Remind the Yes / No - Take note questions - Have students make - Make four Yes, No four Yes, No questions questions - Have students write - Write Yes, No questions 1. Does he play soccer? Yes, No questions on the on the board 2. Do you play games ? board 3. Does she have breakfast? - Check and give - Correct 4. Do they go to school? feedback 5. Home work: -Have students practice - Practice the dialogue at - The dialogue ( part A5) the dialogue at home home - Have students learn - Learn new words and - New words and structures (part new words and structures structures A5) - Have students to - Practice the questions - Questions and answers practice the questions and answers at home ( part A6 ) and answers at home