Đề cương ôn tập giữa học kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh 7 - Năm học 2019-2020


1. Tenses:

   a, Present simple:

  • to be: S + is/am/are + ...
  • ordinary verbs ( động từ thường) : S + V/ Vs/es + ...
  • Những adverbs thường xuất hiện trong thì này thường là: everyday, every morning ..., always, usually, often, sometimes, never

b, Present progressive:

  • S + is/am/are + V-ing + ...
  • Những adverbs thường xuất hiện trong thì này thường là: now, at the moment

c, Past simple:

  • to be: S + was/were (not) + ...
  • ordinary verbs: S + V2/ed + ...
  • S + didn’t + V-inf+ ... / Did + S + V-inf + ...
  • Những adverbs thường xuất hiện trong thì này thường là: Adverbs: yesterday, last week, last year...
doc 9 trang Hải Anh 08/07/2023 2380
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  1. • Tobe ( a/an) + adj + Nsingular • V+ adv (trừ 1 số động từ: seem, sound, feel, find, look, keep, make, become, get, + adj) 5. Comparative and superlative: (So sánh hơn và so sánh nhất) good - better - the best cheap - cheaper - the cheapest expensive - more expensive - the most expensive Ex: This house is more expensive than that one. 6. Responses with too, either, soand neither:(Câu trả lời tương ứng với too, either, so and neither) Ex: I’d like some peas. - I’d like, too. I like spinach. - So do I. I don’t like carrots. - I don’t like, either. I don’t like durian. - Neither do I. * Vị trí và cách sử dụng Neither, either, So , too. Đầu Cuối Khẳng So + tobe / modal.V/ TĐT + S S + tobe / modal V/ TĐT , too định Neither + tobe / modal / TĐT S + toben’t / modaln’t / TĐTn’t Phủ định + S , either 7. Some other structures:(Một số cấu trúc khác): + would like + to V-inf/ want to + V-inf / need + to V-inf/ N + like/ prefer + to V-inf / like + V-ing + Let’s + V-inf + Why don’t we + V-inf + ? +What/How about + V-ing + ? 8. Modals: Can, must = have / has to + V , may, might, could, should, ought to + V 9. Indefinite quantifiers:a little, a lot of / lots of, too much Everybody, everything, nobody, no one, nothing → is/ does/ has - More: nhiều hơn + Danh từ - Less: ít hơn + N ko đếm được - Fewer: ít hơn + N đếm được Eg: Now, there are more eggs and juice. There is less milk. There is fewer bananas. 10. Hỏi khoảng cách - How far is it from the shoes store to the mini mart? It’s 500 meters. Form: How far is/are + S+ from + N + to + N ? It is + số + meters/kilometers. 11. Giới từ Near: gần beside = next to: bên cạnh between: ở giữa opposite: đối diện To the right: bên phải to the left: bên trái
  2. 10. His wife is home. 11. He is sitting his desk. 12. She is working the kitchen table. 13. He has papers his desk. 14. She has a cookery book open the table. 15. Jim goes the office eight. III. Use the correct form of verbs 1. Be careful! The car (come) 2. Don’t forget (turn off) the lights before going out. 3. Children should (spend) only a small part of their free time (play) video games. 4. I . TV last night. (watch) 5. Hoa should (go) to school on time. 6. Nam likes (watch) . videos in his free time. 7. The police can (identify) . the robbers by studying the video. 8. She prefers (socialize) with her friends. 9. How about .chess tonight? (play) 10.I hate the roads. (cross) IV.Find the adjective in the first sentence and fill the gap with the adverb. 1. Joanne is happy. She smiles ___ 2. The boy is loud. He shouts ___ 3. Her English is fluent. She speaks English ___ 4. Our mum was angry. She spoke to us ___ 5. My neighbour is a careless driver. He drives ___ 6. The painter is awful. He paints ___ 7. Jim is a wonderful piano player. He plays the piano ___ 8. This girl is very quiet. She often sneaks out of the house ___ 9. She is a good dancer. She dances really ___ 10. This exercise is simple. You ___ have to put one word in each space V Fill in the blanks with “ a little”, “a lot of”, “ too much” 1. I have done exercises of grammar. 2. You made mistakes in your writing. 3. The Smiths spent money on their last trip. 4. I do not know , about biology. I have knowledge about genetics. 5. The boys are making too noise. 6. We spend time on English grammar. So your answer is bad. 7. There is sugar in the jar. 8. You must drink .water every day VI/ Điền vào chỗ trống với too , so, either hoặc neither: 1/ He can’t swim . ___can I. 2/ Lan and Han are playing soccer and ___is Minh. 3/ Peter ate too much cake last night and I did, ___.
  3. 20. The nurse her temperature in the room now. A. take B. takes C. took D. taking 21. My mother me a new shirt last Sunday. A. give B. gives C. gave D. will give 22. We saw many different types of in the aquarium A. fish B. birds C. chickens D. animals 23. You wash your hand before meals A. should B. can C. will D. would 24. to brush your teeth after meals A. don’t forget B. remember C. not forget D. A& B are correct 25. They will badminton next Sunday. A. play B. to play C. playing D. plays 26. Which is the apartment? A. best B. better C. most D. more 27. Her date of birth is .November 4th. A. at B. on C. in D. of 28 of people like playing sports. A. Many B. A lot C. Lot D. Much 29. Hoa feels sick because she ate too .candy last night. A. much B. many C. a lot of D. little 30. She doesn’t like pork, and does her uncle. A. either B. so C. neither D. too 31. I would like some fruit and vegetables. A. buying B. to buy C. buy D. A&B 32. You must drink water every day. A. much B. many C. a few D. a little 33. He was busy yesterday and .were his brothers. A. neither B. so C. too D. either 34. How .is your brother ?- He’s 1, 70 meters. A. high B. tall C. weight D. far 35. He can speak English very well and can his sister. A. so B. too C. either D. neither 36. Stop, please. That is too coffee. A. many B. lots of C. much D. little 37. I am glad .you are feeling better. A. hear B. hearing C. to hear D. B&C 38. A balanced diet is good your health. A. to B. in C. for D. of 39. After you take some medicines, you will feel A. well B. better C. worse D. A&B 40. She left without goodbye. A. say B. to say C. saying D. A&B
  4. VIII. Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence: 1. You should not watch TV too late → You ought 2. My sister likes walking better than cycling → My sister prefers 3. They like to travel to Nha Trang on their vacation. → They enjoy 4. Let‟s see a detictive film. → How about 5. Ba is a skillful basketball player. → Ba plays 6. Would you like milk for breakfast? → Do 7. I hate durians. →I don‟t 8. Minh is a quick swimmer. . →Minh 9Ha does her homework every day. We do our homework every day. → 10. I weighed 45 kilos last year. →My 11. What is the length of Mekong river? → How 11. Are you interested in collecting stamps? → Would you 12. Would you like to have dinner with me ? → Lan invites me 13. I ought not to do my homework today. → I don‟t 11. How much do you weigh? → How 12. His brother cycles safely → His brother is 13. My father is a careful driver → My father drives 14. What is wrong with her?