Hướng dẫn ôn tập học kì môn Tiếng Anh 7 - Năm học 2019-2020

I/ Circle the letter representing the correct answer : (2ms)

  1. He plays soccer very  ___________

a. good                 b. goodly              c. well                   d. welly

  1. My father is a  ________  volleyball player .

a. skill                   b. skillful     c. skilly                           d. skillfully

3.___________  something to drink ?

a. Would you like   b. Do you like        c. Do you would like        d. You like

4. Would you like to go to the movie tonight ?

a. Yes I do             b. Yes , I like          c. I’d love to          d. Yes , I am

5.Come and ________ badminton , Nam ?

a. do                     b. take                   c. play                   d. get

6.Most of the world surface is  _________

a. land                  b. water                c. trees                 d. oil

7.What kinds of  ________  do you like ? - I like cartoon .

a. books                b. films                  c. pictures             d. music 

          8. Are you  free  ___________  Sunday ?

                   a. in                      b.at                       c. on                     d.of


doc 14 trang Hải Anh 08/07/2023 2180
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  1. 8. have had 18. tell told 9. know knew 19. think thought 10. give gave 20. wite wrote. ( Xem theâm ôû trang 177 – SGK). • Thể khẳng định: S + V (ed / cột 2) Ví dụ: Hoa went to Nha Trang last vacation. Lastweek, Ba visited his grandparents in Hue. • Thể phủ định: S + didn/t + Vinf -( nguyên mẫu.) Ví dụ: Nam didn/t go to school yesterday. Hoa didn/t watch TV last night. • Thể nghi vấn: - Yes / No. questions. Did + S + Vinf ? Yes, S + did /No, S + didn/t. Ví dụ: + Did you buy a lot of souvenirs in Nha Trang? Yes. I did / No, I didn/t. + Did she heve a headache last night? Yes, she did / No , she didn/t. - WH . questions WH – did + S + Vinf ? S + V (ed / cột 2). Vi dụ: + Where did you visit last summer? I visited HaLong Bay + What did she do last night? She watched TV. B. Exercises I. Choose the best answer. 1. Nha Trang beautiful and the people friendly. a. be/be b. was/were c. were/were d. visit/bought 2. Liz Nha Trang last vacation and she a lot of souvenirs a. visits/buys b. visited/buyed c. visited/bought d. visit/bought 3. Where you visit when you were in HaLong? a. do b. did c. will d. is 4. Did you any photographs there? a. take b. takes c. took d. taking. 5. My aunt cut my hair yesterday. She is a . a. teacher b. dressmaker c. hairdresser d. doctor. 6. Mis Mai made a dress for Hoa last night. She is a . a. dressmaker b. hairdresser c. teacher d. neighbor. 7. Hoa learns how .a sewing machine. a. use b. user c. using d. to use. 8. Your parents look very . a. happily b. happiness c. happy d. to be happy. II. Make questions for the underlined words. 1. Dalat ws beautiful. 2
  2. a. S + be + adj – why? Why + be + S + adj? Ví dụ1: Minh is happy.Why? Why is Minh happy. Ví dụ2: They are nervous. Why? Why are they nervous? b. S + V + Why? Why + do + / does / did) + Vinf ? / Ví dụ1: Minh s tooth hurts. Why? Why does Minh/s tooth hurts ? Ví dụ2: Ba went to the doctor’s yesterday. Why? Why did Ba go to the doctor’s yesterday? 3. Câu hỏi va trả lời về chiều cao: - How + tall + be + S ? - What + be(is) + S + height? Trả lời : S + be + chiều cao Ví du1: How tall are you? What is your height ? - I am one meter and forty. Ví du2: How tall is she? What/s her height? - She is one meter and fifty Ví du3: How tall is Nam? What is Nam/s height? - He is 1meter 55 centimeters. 4. Câu hỏi và trả lời về cân nặng. - How + heavy + be + S ? - What + be(is) + S/s + weight? Trả lời : S + be + cân nặng Ví du1: How heavy is he? What is his weight? - He is 45 kilos. Ví du2: How heavy is Nga? What/ is Nga/s weight? - She is 48 kilos 5. Lời yêu cầu: Would you + V- inf ( nguyên mẫu không to), please? Ví du: Would you stand up, please? Would you open the window, please? B. Exercises. I. Choose the best answer 1. I know how to take care myself a. in b. on c. of d. at 2. Hoa/s parents are busy it is nearly-harvest time again. a. so b. because c. but d. and 3. My mother wants me early and take morning exercise a. get up b. getting up c. got up d. to get up 4. Her parents want her not .too much candy. a. eats b. eating c. to eat d. ate 5. What is the matter with you, Minh? have a toothache a. I b. She c. He d. Minh 6. What was wrong with Lan? She a stomachache a. have b. has c. having d. had 4
  3. My mother doesn/t Unit 12: LET/S EAT ! A. Theory: 1. So, too: diễn tã sự đồng tình trong câu khẳng định: Nghĩa: cũng vậy. Ví du1: I am a student. She is ( a student), too. So is she. Ví du2: She likes oranges. He likes oranges, too He does, too So does he. S1 + be . S2 + be , too So+ be + S2 S1 + V ( ng.mẫu / + s/es ) . S2 + V (ng.mẫu /+s/es) , too so+ do/does S2 2. Neither, either: ( cũng vậy, cũng không) diễn tã sự đồng tình trong câu phủ định . Ví du1: Nam is not a student . Ba is not ( a student ), either Neither is Ba S1 + ( is/ am/ are) + not. S2 + be not, either Neither + be + S2 / / Ví du2: I don t like fish. My mother doesn t ( like fish), either Neither does my mother / / / / S1 + don t/doesn t + V ng.mẫu. S2 + don t / doesn t + ng. mẫu either / / S2 + don t / doesn t , eithe Neither + do / does + S2. 2. Imperatives: ( mệnh lệnh cách) Ví du: First, slice the beef. Next, stirfry the beef Then, and the onions and green peppers After that, add some salt Finally, taste the beef B. Exercise: I. Choose the best answer. 1. Ba likes chicken. Nam likes chicken, a. So b. too c. either d. neither 2. Hoa likes oranges and does Nga a. So b. too c. either d. neither 3. The pineapples are not ripe. And are the papayas a. So b. too c. either d. neither 4. My mother doesn/t like watching TV. My father doesn/t, a. So b. too c. either d. neither 5. What did you eat last night? I fish, rice and soup. a. eat b. eats c. ate d. eating 6. For breakfast yesterday, she .bread, beef and milk. a. have b. had c. has d. having 7. A balaneed diet means: “ you should eat meat and .vegetables and fruits. a. a lot of/a little b. a little/a lot of c. a few/a lot of 8.First .the onions and green peppers 6
  4. + must:Phải, nói đến khả năng việc gì phải làm. + have to/has to phải : nói đến trách nhiệm , bổn phận phải làm gì ought to + should: nên , khuyên ai nên làm gì + may: có lẽ ,có thể, sữ dụng ở hiện tại + might: có lẽ ,có thể, sữ dụng ở quá khứ • Thề khẳng định: Can/could Must S + have to/has to + Vinf – ng.maãu. Ought to Should May/might Ví duï: I can swim very quickly. You should finish your homework first She has to help her mom. • Thể phủ định. Can not / could not Must not S + don/t have to/doesn/t have to + Vinf Ought not to Should not May not / might not Ví du: You must not go when the lights are red. Tam don/t have to do homework to day. You shouldn/t drive carelessly. *. Thể nghi vấn. - Yes / No questions: Can/Could Vinf ? Do / Does + S + have to + Vinf ? Should inf ? Trả lời Yes, S + can / could Do / does Should No, S + can/t / couldn/t don/t / doesn/t shouldn/t. Ví du: Can you swim ? yes, T can / No, I can/t Does she have to cook lunch? Yes, she does/No, she doesn/t. WH – questions. - can/could Vinf ? - do/does + S + have to + Vinf ? - should Vinf ? 8
  5. We must 11.Lan must tidy the house everyday Lan has to . 12.Ba ought to cook lunch for his mother Ba has to Unit 14: FREE TIME FUN A. Theory. I. Hỏi và trả lời xem ai nói thích xem gì? What + would + S + like to see/watch? S + /d like to see/watch . Ví du: What would you like to see? I/ d like to see a cowboy movie Ví du:What would Lan like to watch? He/d like to watch a detective movie. 2.Cấu trúc với “like/prefer/sound” a.Like: thích. S + like(s) + Ving To Ving N Ví du: I like watching TV She likes to watch TV They like history b. Prefer: thích hôn. Ving S + Prefer(s) + to Vinf N Ví du: I prefer taking part in sports He prefers to listen to music Mai prefers coffee c. Sound: có vẻ, dường như: Sound + adj (tính toán) Ví du: That sounds boring That sounds interesting. d. Cấu trúc tương đương giữa “ like” and “prefer” S + like(s) + O1 + better than + O2 . ( O: tân ngữ) S + prefer(s) + O1 + to + O2 Ví du: I like tea better than coffee I prefer tea to coffee Ví du: She prefers films to plays She likes films better than plays 3. Hỏi và tra lời xem ai nói thích chương trình nào trên ti vi. What kinds of programs + do/does +S + like? S + like(s) programs about + tên chương trình. Ví du: What kinds of programs do you like? I likes programs about cartoon Ví du: What kinds of programs does Lan like? 10
  6. a. don/t b. doesn/t c. didn/t d. Isn/t 6. The noise in the cirty .me awake at night. a. lets b. makes c. keeps d. puts 7. Lan hates the road most a. crosses b. cross c. crossing d. crossed 8. Lan usually reads books in the library .an hour a. on b. in c. for d. of II. Rearrange the following sentences 1. Nam / going/ play/ is / to / videogames / the / in / arcade. 2. Children / not / spend / should / the / in / arcade/ much / playing / time / games 3. Life / different / in / city/ is / the 4. I / the noise / hate / the busy roads / and / the / in / city 5. Hoa / got / soon / to / user / the / city / busy / traffic Unit 16: PEOPLE AND PLACES A.Theory. 1. Some countries and capital cities in Asia. Countries Capital Cities 1. ThaiLan BangKok 2. Cambodia PhnomPenh 3. China Beijing 4. Indonesia Jakata 5. Myanmar Yangon 6. Laos Vientiane 7. Malaysia KualaLumpur 8. Singapore Singapore 9. Japan Tokyo 10. Korea Seul. 2. Some adverbs of frequency: - always - usually – often – sometimes / occationally – rarely / seldom - never - How often + do/does + S + Vinf ? S + adverbs ( always .) + V(inf / + S / es) . How often does Mr.Nam fly to BangKok? He usually flies to BangKok. B. Exercises: 1. Uncle Nghia is a .He usually flies to othe countries. a. Pilot b. doctor c. teacher d. engineer 2. Jakarta is in a. China b. Indonesia c. Cambodia d. ThaiLand 3. Beijing is in . a. China b. Laos c. Myanmar d. Malaysia 4. The Battle of DienBienPhu the Indochina war a. opened b. ended c. leaded d. marked 12
  7. 1. Lan has a toothache a. He ought to get up early 1 2. Nam is always late for school b. She should study harder 2 3. Ba plays badminton very badly c. She ought to see a dentist 3 4. Hoa studies badly d. He should practice more 4 III/ Read the passage and then do the tasks that follow : Thirty years ago in Viet Nam , very few people had TV set . These TV owners were very popular . After dinner , their neighbors gathered both inside and outside their houses. Some watches through the widows . Times have changed. Today , many families have TV sets . People sit in their own livingrooms and watch TV . Life is more comfortable now , but many people don’t spend much time together any more . 1. True or False ? Check ( X ) the boxes . (2ms ) True False 1. A lot of people had TV sets thirty years ago . 2. People watch TV in their own livingrooms now . 3. Today neighbors spend much time together . 4. Now , very few people have TV sets 2. Answer the questions : ( 2ms) a. Were TV owners popular thirty years ago ? b. Where do people watch TV now ? c. Do they spend much time together as they did in the past ? d. What programs would you like to watch ? IV/ Arrange the sentences : ( 1 ms ) a. like / programs /would / of / what / you / kinds ? b. Play / tennis / come / table / and / Nam V/ Complete the sentences below with the cues given : ( 1ms ) ON - BEFORE - AFTER - IN 1. We should wash our hand ___ meals 2. Very few Vietnamese people had TV sets ___ 1960s 3. Are you free ___ weekend ? 4. Don’t forget brush your teeth ___ every meal . Answers : 1: ___ 2: ___ 3: ___ 4: ___ 14