Đề cương ôn tập tuyển sinh môn Tiếng Anh - Năm học 2020-2021



1.Simple present:

S + V(es,s) + O

DO/DOES + S + V(inf) + O ?

S + DON’T/DOESN’T + V(inf) + O

2.Present continuous:

S + BE (AM/ IS/ ARE) + V_ing + O

BE (AM/ IS/ ARE) + S + V_ing + O?

S + BE (AM/ IS/ ARE) + NOT + V_ing + O

3.Present perfect:

S + HAVE/ HAS + V3 + O

S + HAVEN’T/ HASN’T + V3 + O

HAVE/ HAS + S + V3 + O?

4.Simple past:

 S   +   V2 / V-ed ……

S   + didn’t    +  V1  …. 

Did   + S        +  V1  …..?

Task 1 .Complete the sentences using simle past and simple present

doc 31 trang Hải Anh 08/07/2023 3720
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  1. Good -> well 4. Một số tính từ biến đổi sang trạng từ giữ NGUYÊN Ví dụ: Hard -> hard Near -> near Fast -> fast Far -> far Late -> late Right -> right Early -> early Wrong -> wrong Monthly -> monthly Straight -> straight Daily -> daily Exercise: 1.The bus driver was injured. (serious) 2.Kevin is clever. (extreme) 3.This hamburger tastes . (awful) 4.Be with this glass of milk. It's hot. (careful) 5.Robin looks . What's the matter with him? (sad) 6.Jack is upset about losing his keys. (terrible) 7.This steak smells . (good) 8.Our basketball team played last Friday. (bad) 9.Don't speak so . I can't understand you. (fast) 10.Maria opened her present. (slow) 11.Tom is (slow) He works . 12.Sue is a (careful) girl. She climbed up the ladder . 13.The dog is (angry) It barks . 14.He acted (excellent) He's an actor. 15.They learn English (easy) They think English is an language. XVI.RELATIVE CLAUSES  - Relative clauses được gọi là mệnh đề quan hệ, chứa đựng đại từ quan hệ (relative pronoun) để qui chiếu với một danh từ hay một mệnh đề đứng trước nó. Ex1: Do you know the girl that lives next door? - That là đại từ quan hệ được dùng để qui chiếu cho the girl đứng ngay trước nó. Trong ví dụ trên, that làm chủ ngữ cho mệnh đề quan hệ đứng sau danh từ. Câu trên là sự hình thành của hai câu: Do you know the girl? She lives next door. Ex2: This is the picture that I bought yesterday. That trong VD 2 được dùng để thay thế cho the picture đứng ngay trước nó và that làm tân ngữ trong mệnh đề quan hệ. Câu trên được cắt nghĩa như sau: Ex: This is the picture. I bought it yesterday. * CÁC ĐẠI TỪ QUAN HỆ Các đại từ quan hệ được dùng để quy chiếu với danh từ đứng trước nó có thể chỉ cho một người hay một vật.
  2. 3. This is Mrs. Jones, ___ son won the championship last year. 4. His girlfriend, ___ he trusted absolutely, turned out to be an enemy spy. 5. The bus crashed into a queue of people, four of ___ were killed. 6. A man bought in a little girl, ___ hand was cut by flying glass. 7. Mary, ___ boyfriend didn’t turn up, ended by having lunch with Peter. 8. He paid me $5 for cleaning ten windows, most of ___ hadn’t been cleaned for at least a year. 9. In prison they fed us on dry bread, most of ___ was moldy. 10. The chair in ___ I was sitting suddenly collapsed. 11. The bed ___ I slept on has no mattress. 12. The man ___ I was waiting for didn’t turn up. 13. The student with ___ she was dancing had a slight limb. Ex2: Put a tick  if the relative pronoun in the following sentences can be deleted, and put a cross if it is not. 1. We lit a fire, which soon dried out clothes. 2. The report, which should have taken an hour and a half, took three hours. 3. The children who I was looking after were terribly spoilt. 4. She thanked him for the kind help that she received. 5. There wasn’t any directory in the telephone box from which I was phoning. 6. The man who was driving us didn’t know the way. 7. The Smiths, whose house was destroyed in the explosion, were given rooms in the hotel. 8. The car which we hired from the airport broke down on the road. 9. My boss, who I really wanted to see, was too busy to meet anyone. 10. Mr. and Mrs. Jones, who were out playing cards, knew nothing of the burglary. XVII.CONJUNCTIONS: 1. She's not only beautiful___ intelligent. a. but also b. but c. however d. yet 2. I was very tired, ___ I determined to walk on to the next village. a. therefore b. however c. and d. or 3. You can come here either on Monday___ on Friday. a. or b. nor c. both d. and 4. He had to act immediately; ___ he would have been too late. a. consequently b. nevertheless c. still d. otherwise 5. They said both he___ I were to come. a. and b. but c. or d. so 6. The weather in Dalat is neither too hot in summer___ too cold in winter. a. or b. nor c. or else d. otherwise 7. Jane is beautiful and intelligent___ a. too b. so c. both d. moreover 8. Jane is beautiful and intelligent; ___ she's very kind. a. moreover b. however c. for all that d. on the other hand 9. He never works___ he gains all the prizes.
  3. 10. The organization was established in 1950 in the USA. A. come around B. set up C. made out D. put on XIX.VOCABULARY Choose the best words 1. She often goes church to pray because her religion is Islam. a. on b. at c. of d. to 2. What they do yesterday? They played soccer with their friends. a. do b. to do c. did d. were 3. I wish that Susan harder for her examination. a. will work b. worked c. has worked d. works 4. There used to a movie theatre here, but it closed a long time ago. a. be b. to be c. being d. been 5. The children are playing in the schoolyard. a. happy b. happiness c. happier d. happily 6. I wish they here tomorrow. a. will come b. would come c. came d. to come 7. John write the letter to me last year. a. is used to b. was used to c. used to d. used 8. It is difficult English in some weeks. a. to speak b. speaking c. speaks d. speak 9. The capital of Malaysia is . a. Hanoi b. Paris c. Kuala Lumpur d. Seoul 10. What is the traditional dress of Vietnamese women? It’s a. the suit b. the shirt c. the Ao dai d. the blouse 11. Rice is in tropical countries a. to grow b. grown c. grow d. grew 12. Two department stores by them this year a. have been built b. have built c. has been built d. has built 13. She asked me how I English in the future. a. will use b. would use c. use d. to use 14. Nga doesn’t go to school on Sunday, she? a. do b. doesn’t c. does d. don’t c. does d. don’t 15. I look forward to you a. see b. to see c. seeing d. saw 16. Nga is English for her work a. to study b. studied c. studying d. study 17. He arrived in England Monday evening a. in b. at c. of d. on 18. Hoa worked hard, she passed the exam a. because b. so c. until d. before
  4. 38. She said that she learning English with you a. like b. liked c. liking d. to like 39. She asked me where I from. a. come b. came c. to come d. coming 40. What aspect of English do you find difficult? a. study a. studied b. learnt d. learning 41. She me where I liked classical music or not. a. asks b. asking c. asked d. to ask 42. Your teacher writes poems or stories, she? a. don’t b. won’t c. didn’t d. doesn’t 43. I remember her somewhere a. see b. seeing c. saw d. to see 44. Excuse me. Can I in this a area? a. smoke b. smoking c. smoked d. to smoke 45. If you know where she lives, please let me a. know b. knew c. known d. to know 46. If you like that book, I will give it you as my present a. for b. from c. at d. to 47. Can you turn the light? It is too dark a. on b. off c. down d. up 48. She won’t take all these suitcases she likes to travel light a. so b but c. because d. therefore 49. Is he an actor a singer? An actor. a, and b. or c. but d. so 50. She studies well she is busy. a. because b. since c. although d. and 51. The people live in Greece speak Greek. a. which b. whom c. who d. when 52. Do you know the man you met yesterday? a. when b. whom c. which d. whose 53. The car he has just bought is very expensive a. who b. whom c. which d. whose 54. I am preparing for the picnic my friends tomorrow a. at b. to c. in d. with 55. It snowed in Lang Son the winter 2002 a. in / of b. in / in c. at / for d. for / at 56. Neil Armstrong, walked on the moon, lived in the USA. a. which b. whom c. who d. that 57. UFOs mean flying objects a. unknown b. unidentified c. unable d. unimaginary
  5. bottled water are especially needed, since the floods have disrupted the local water supply. In addition, volunteers are needed to travel to the flooded area to help distribute the donations. 1. What does this notice concern? A. Help for flood victims B. Safety precaution C. Dangerous roads D. Warning about weather 2. What kind of supplies is NOT mentioned? A. Furniture B. Clothing C Food. D. Medicine 3. In addition to supplies, what is needed? A. Volunteers B. New bridges C. Places to stay D. Teacher 4. “Devastating floods” in line 1 refer to those that___. A. happen suddenly B. are very short C. last for a long time D. cause a lot of damage 5. The word “donating” in line 2 is closest in meaning to___. A. selling B. buying C. giving D. taking 3.Read the letter and answer the questions Dear Mom, This is just a quick note to tell you how the holiday is going. We’re staying in a nice hotel in a quiet part of town, so you can imagine how we feel. As you know, this is a small city, and the people are very kind and friendly. We have had some good weather since we got here, so we are feeling very happy. We have seen some of the beautiful sights and a few museums, and we thought they were very impressive. Yesterday we decided to go for a swim, and we went to a nice beach where the water was blue and clean. Last night, we had a delicious meal in a wonderful restaurant. The food and services were excellent. When the bill came, we could hardly believe it, as it was so cheap. As our hobbies are sightseeing and swimming, we enjoyed the holiday so much. Anyway, I’d better stop, but I’ll write again soon. Love, Mary & John 1. Where are Mary and John staying? 2. What are the people in the city like? 3. Has the weather been very bad there? 4. Where did Mary and John go for a swim? 5. Did they pay a lot for their delicious meal ? 4.Fill in each space with a suitable word
  6. 1.T or F a. 90% of earthquakes happen around the Pacific Rim. b. In 1995, a huge earthquake struck the city in England. c. Some people were died by the earthquake. d. A lot of facilities were collapsed. 2.Answer the questions: a. Why do people call the Pacific Rim “Ring of Fire”? => . b.Did the earthquake in Kobe in 1995 cause severe damage? => C.WRITING I.Arrange the given words to make the meaningful sentences 1.I /very/ in/ interested/ the /was /story. . 2. Your/ to /is/ not/ enough/ writing /for /me/ large read. 3. It/ to /is/ English/ learn/ necessary. 4. If / doesn't/,/ we/ it /go/ will /rain/ there. . 5. The / was/ surprised/ man /to /too /speak. 6.It /such/ an /didn’t/ that/ was /she / know/ unexpected/ what /to/ say/ remark/ world. . 7.No one / guitar/ the/ in /the /as/ plays/ badly/ as /you (do). 8.I/ have/ needn’t/ that/ written/ letter. . 9.The/ everything/ in/ man /checking/ suggested/ once chief/ more. 10.Contrary/ to /its /dangerous/the, fish .is /quite harmless/,/. 11.What/ the/ sense of humor./ students/ appreciate really/ is/ the /teacher’s 12.He/ about /everything/ it/, /and/ forgot/ did /she /so. 13.If /encouragement/ it/ been/ managed/ for/ my father’s/,/ we couldn’t/ have/ hadn’t/ it.
  7. 6.I/ like/ dinner/ to /should /take/ someone/ me out/ to 7.Martin/ enjoy/ not/ be/ manages/ very /well/ but/ he /still/ to/ may/ life. . 8.They’ll/ to /the/ dog/ on /have/ holiday/ take with /them. 9.My/ aunt/ up /marriage /stressed /because/ got her/ broke / heavily. . 10.I/ can’t/ passed/ that/ he/ believe/ the/ exam. . IV.Arrange the following sentences: 1. Would/ mind/ you/ me /a /giving/ hand/? 2. If/ understand/ he /speak/ so/ quickly/, I/ could him /didn't. 3. In/ arrived/ of /taking / taxi/,/ he/the /spite/ late/a for / concert. 4. It /suitcase /is /carry /such /a /that/ I/ heavy can't/ it. 5. He / said/ to /is/.be/ excellent/ an/ footballer 6. Mike/ as/ cook / well doesn't/ as/ Barbara . 7. She /in/Tom /Japanese/ how/ many /asked/ were /students/ there / his class. . 8. Julia /years /for/ this /working/ company started/ six /ago. 9. I / used / getting /to/ up/ am/late in/early/ the morning. . 10. If/ Larry/ have/ had /bought /had /enough would/ money/, /she/ the/ shirt. .